25/7/2001 22:24
Ilana Shemesh, natural midwife
no combina, try doula and doctor or private midwife
Hi, First of all, please note that there is no combina of private midwife and doctor in Laniado. This was once a remote possibility but was never done and is not an option anymore. I advise you to take a doula, or a private midwife in Tel-Hashomer, or a private doctor who specializes in VBAC (like Dr. Barda in Jerusalem who delivers in Laniado or Maayani Yeshua) together with a doula. Please note that doulas will give you lots of emotional and physical support but do not have any say in medical matters and cannot interfere or intervene on your behalf against the midwife or doctor's advice. This is why you should have a private midwife or doctor that agrees to your philosophy of birth and is attuned to your wishes and needs. Ilana
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