14/2/2001 20:53
Ilana Shemesh, natural midwife
who's pelvis is too small???
Sorry to have neglected the forum for a few days, but I have been at a marathon of births. They were all wonderful, none easy, but the last was the most triumphant one for me as a midwife. I was able to empower a women whose body was robbed of the chance to birth her baby naturally, due to the wonders? of modern medicine and the interference and medicalization of the normal process of birth. She had a cesarian section for her first birth for the reason given to her that obviously, since her labor was so slow to progress, her pelvis was too small for her baby (whose estimated weight was 4 kilo by ultrasound)and was really 2900 grams at birth. Yesterday, after a long and difficult but natural birth, she pushed out her 3600 baby on a birth stool at Misgav Ledach Hospital with my help and a supportive doula trainee and her husband and mother all helping. Her faith and trust in her body has been restored. She is a joyous mother of a gorgeous baby and most important we have another powerful woman in this world who resisted the "system" who told her that her belly had to be cut open again. And yet, people ask me all the time if home birth is safe. I ask you .... is hospital birth safe???
Ilana Shemesh, midwife
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