18/7/2001 13:31
Ilana Shemesh, natural midwife
beware of inducing on aVBAC-try natural
Dear Iris, I would be very careful about inducing labor on a uterine scar (your first Cesarean) as the research is showing that the danger of a tear in your uterus along the scar is much higher when labor is induced by chemical means. I would however suggest you do try to start the labor earlier by natural means like stripping, castor oil, acupuncture, herbs, nipple stimulation etc,sex (sperm and orgasm) and homeopathy. You should do all this when you get to a weight estimate of 3800 as it takes a few days for these things to work. Definately go for the natural birth route, and it should be much easier this timeas you have already birthed once. Good luck, Ilana
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